Turn your Book idea into a Reality

Season #1

Today's special guest is Susan Dean, founder of Dean Publishing, shares her journey of starting her own publishing company and helping others write, produce, publish, and promote their books.

Over a decade ago, Susan founded Dean Publishing, swiftly establishing it as a trusted brand among leading entrepreneurs, speakers, and coaches. Her unwavering commitment to nurturing talent has resulted in the publication of over 300 authors' stories, enriching countless lives and making dreams a reality for many.

As the driving force behind Dean Publishing, Susan proudly operates it as a female-led, family-owned business, with her daughters Chloe and Monique playing integral roles in its success. With over 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur, coach, workshop facilitator, and now publisher, Susan serves as a guiding light, supporting and encouraging individuals to share their stories and knowledge with the world.

In this podcast she emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and stories through books and the impact they can have on readers' second act in life. She also highlights the personal and business benefits of writing a book, such as self-development, credibility, and the ability to reach a wider audience.

How can you find Susan:
Website: https://www.deanpublishing.com
Stress free Book System: https://www.StressFreeBookSystem.com
Connect with Susan: https://www.deanpublishing.com/callsusan/